Home Mobile Backend as a Service(MBaaS) - Cloud Computing

Mobile Backend as a Service(MBaaS) - Cloud Computing

MBAAS - Mobile Backend as a Service

Mobile backend as a service (MBaaS), also known as “backend as a service”, is a model for providing web app and mobile app developers with a way to link their applications to backend cloud storage and APIs exposed by back end applications while also providing features such as user management, push notifications, and integration with social networking services. These services are provided via the use of custom software development kits (SDKs) and application programming interfaces (APIs). BaaS is a relatively recent development in cloud computing, with most BaaS startups dating from 2011 or later.

Even though Mobile Backend-as-a-Service mBaaS providers have been around for just a few years, they have become highly influential in the technology industry, especially the mobile app development sector.

Modern-day apps provide various services, including push notifications, APIs, analytics, data, security, authentication, and the list goes on. MBaaS acts as a bridge for developers, giving them access to tools they need to develop top-notch apps with innovative features mentioned above.

If you are considering using MBaaS to create an app for your business or startup, you are on the right track. This article will give you a brief overview of the MBaaS industry and the key players you should consider.

Broadly, MBaaS offers a number of backend development benefits compared to building and managing backend resources manually. Backendless, specifically, offers the most functionality of any MBaaS provider with a user-friendly interface.

Advantages of MBAAS
Taken in consideration there are many points which makes this model best for the cloud computing. Those are listed below.

  1. Standardized coding environment enables faster and easier coding
  2. Search, data storage and authentication are ready to use features
  3. Security and backup infrastructure is ready to use
  4. Developers can clone apps with ease
  5. Using an MBaaS is recommended for running standalone applications for mobile platforms.

As listed, MBAAS is better in all the terms compared to all other traditional models and all comparative models like SAAS and IAAS.

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